SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Karim Moussaoui

© Olivier Barlet, Apt, novembre 2024
Film director, Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Assistant director
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Theater, Cinema/tv, Dance

Algerian filmmaker and Actor.

Born in 1975, Karim Moussaoui is an active member in one of Algeria most important independent film associations, Chrysalis, promoting its cineclub. Chrysalide, an Algerian cultural association created in 2000, works to promote film. Moussaoui worked on a number of plays and films, among them ‘Paloma Delight' with Nadir Mokneche. In 2006, he made his first two short films: Ce qu'on doit faire ("What We Must Do"), based on Charles Bukowsky's short story ‘The Copulating Mermaid of Venice'; and ‘Breakfast' another short film. In 2011, his feature film script ‘Till the Swallows Return' ("En attendant les hirondelles") was selected for the Méditalents writing workshop; there he met Virginie Legeay, with whom he co-wrote the screenplay for ‘Les Jours d'avant'. ‘Until the Birds Return' was developed during the Cinéfondation's Résidence du Festival de Cannes between October, 2014 and February, 2015. This first feature drama was World Premiered at Cannes FilmFest 2017.

EN ATTENDANT LES HIRONDELLES / ‘Till the Swallows Return' (feature) 2017
LES JOURS D'AVANT (short) 2013
CE QU'ON DOIT FAIRE / ‘Breakfast' (short) 2006
NOIR SUR BLANC (short) 2005
PETIT DÉJEUNER / ‘Breakfast' (short) 2003



Karim Moussaoui è uno dei membri fondatori di Chrysalide, associazione culturale algerina creata nel 2000 che contribuisce a promuovere il cinema. Nel 2006 ha realizzato il suo primo cortometraggio, Ce qu'on doit faire, ispirato a The Copulating Mermaid of Venice, un racconto di Charles Bukowsky. Nel 2011 la sua sceneggiatura per un lungometraggio, En attendant les hirondelles, è stata selezionata per l'atelier di scrittura Méditalents, nel cui ambito Moussaoui ha incontrato Virginie Legeay, con la quale ha cosceneggiato Les Jours d'avant.

EN ATTENDANT LES HIRONDELLES / ‘Till the Swallows Return' (feature) 2017
LES JOURS D'AVANT (short) 2013
CE QU'ON DOIT FAIRE / ‘Breakfast' (short) 2006
NOIR SUR BLANC (short) 2005
PETIT DÉJEUNER / ‘Breakfast' (short) 2003




Karim Moussaoui war eines der Gründungsmitglieder von Chrysalide, einer algerischen Kulturvereinigung, die 2000 mit dem Ziel entstand, das Kino zu fördern. 2006 entstand Moussaouis erster Kurzfilm, "Ce qu'on doit faire", basierend auf der Erzählung "The Copulating Mermaid of Venice" von Charles Bukowski. 2011 wurde sein Drehbuch für den langen Film "En attendant les hirondelles" für das Schreibatelier Méditalents ausgewählt, wo er Virginie Legeay kennen lernte, mit der er das Drehbuch für "Les Jours d'avant" verfasste.

EN ATTENDANT LES HIRONDELLES / ‘Till the Swallows Return' (feature) 2017
LES JOURS D'AVANT (short) 2013
CE QU'ON DOIT FAIRE / ‘Breakfast' (short) 2006
NOIR SUR BLANC (short) 2005
PETIT DÉJEUNER / ‘Breakfast' (short) 2003



11 files


  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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