SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Days Before (The)

  • Jours d'avant (Les)
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2013
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 47 (in minutes)

In a housing project south of Algiers, in the mid-1990s. Although Djaber and Yamina are neighbors, they do not know one another. For each of them, meeting the opposite sex is so difficult they have almost stopped believing it to be possible. Over the course of a few days, however, what had previously only been a muffled and distant violence breaks out right in front of them, changing their lives forever.

France, Algeria · 2013 · DCP · Color · 40' [Locarno FilmFest, 2013]· o.v. Arabic

Directed by Karim Moussaoui

Produced by Les Loupiottes
Type: Fiction
Runtime: 47 min
Production year: 2013

Mehdi Ramdani (Djaber)
Souhila Mallem (Yamina)
Mohammed Ghouli (Rafik)
Meriem Medjkane (Nedjla)
Chawki Amari (Yamina's Father)

Short film
Type: Fiction
Genre : Drama
Themes : Adolescence, Memories, War
Production language : Arabic
Nationality : Majority French (France, Algeria)
Production year : 2013
Runtime : 47 min
Visa number : 135.583
Production format : Super 16
Screening format : DCP
Color type : Color
Aspect ratio : 1.66
Sound format : Dolby 5.1

Executive Producer : Virginie Legeay
Assistant Director : Raphaël Daniel
Line Producers : Virginie Legeay, Rebecca Mourot-Levy, Adila Bendimerad, Djaber Debzi
Screenwriters : Karim Moussaoui, Virginie Legeay
Algerian Producers : Adila Bendimerad, Djaber Debzi
Voice-overs : Karim Moussaoui, Faïna Ramdani
Director of Photography : David Chambille
Sound Recordist : Arnaud Marten
Assistant Operator : Lucie Bracquemont
Production Manager : Rémi Veyrié
Editor : Julien Chigot
Sound Editor : Pierre Bariaud
Continuity supervisor : Elsa Melquioni
Production Designer : Amira Merrakchi
Costume Designer : Maya Ouarda Bencheikh El Fegoun
Sound Mixer : Samuel Aïchoun


A metà degli anni Novanta, in un quartiere periferico a sud di Algeri, Djaber e Yamina sono vicini di casa ma non si conoscono. Per entrambi, incontrarsi tra ragazze e ragazzi è talmente difficile che hanno quasi smesso di crederci. Poi però, nel giro di qualche giorno, quella che fino ad allora era stata soltanto una violenza sorda e lontana deflagra davanti a loro, cambiando per sempre il loro destino.

Francia, Algeria · 2013 · DCP · Colore · 40' · v.o. arabo

Genere: Fiction

Regia: Karim Moussaoui

Scenario: Virginie Legeay, Karim Moussaoui

51 avenue jean jaurès
93450 L'île saint denis

Taj intaj
02, Lot saïd hamdine
16000 Hydra-Alger




In einer Siedlung im Süden Algiers Mitte der neunziger Jahre wohnen Djaber und Yamina in direkter Nachbarschaft, ohne sich zu kennen. Für beide ist es ähnlich schwierig, sich zwischen Mädchen und Jungs zu treffen, sodass sie fast schon den Glauben an eine solche Möglichkeit aufgegeben haben. Nur wenig später jedoch explodiert das, was sich bislang als Gewaltakt in einer dumpfen Ferne abspielte, in ihrer unmittelbaren Nähe und verändert ihrer beiden Schicksale für immer.

Frankreich, Algerien · 2013 · DCP · Color · 40' · Arabic

Allgemein: Fiction

Regie: Karim Moussaoui
Szenario: Virginie Legeay, Karim Moussaoui

51 avenue jean jaurès
93450 L'île Saint Denis, France

Taj intaj
02, lot saïd hamdine
16000 Hydra-Alger



5 files


19 files


  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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