SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Exposition de Khalifa Faye

A solo show of paintings by the Senegalese artist.
  • Exposition de Khalifa Faye
Genre : Exposition | Bruxelles

Du jeudi 18 novembre au vendredi 31 décembre 2010

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Arts plastiques

The most efficient approach to story telling on a media like canvas is to make sure everything that is represented can be recognized instantly, at a simple glance.

The artist isn't really creating anything, he barely reproduces places, atmospheres, shapes...but mostly thoughts.

A simple composition enables a simple, basic understanding or reading of the artwork. The use of typography allows me to give life to things that don't even exist, just by writing a word or mentioning a name, sometimes even a single letter.

As a result, all the things that you see are not shown twice.

In order to describe a social reality, I only needed a living environment. A house, an appartment, a loft,...

But most importantly, all the things that you find inside your own place: tables, chairs, doors, beds, a bathtub, a bookcase, wall paper, etc...

Tell me what you own and I will tell you who you are.

The things that are free in life collapse or get depreciated by the fact that Time itself is a free thing.

Why bother killing ourselves trying to posess so many things?

The inside of someone's house speaks volumes about that person, more that we can learn in all the libraries of the World.

It provides up to the minute information about his state of mind, mood, his organization skills, a very important detail to notice is the shopping list at the back of a house bill. This is not a game. This is like witnessing the size of the bin bags that get thrown out twice a week.

I paint what I see and this is what we all live. I'd like to see my work as neither good or bad but only different.

Khalifa Faye

Renseignements / Lieu

Vernissage 18 November 18h-22h

( 2010-11-18 00:00:00 > 2010-12-31 00:00:00 )
n°200 Chaussée de Wavre
Bruxelles ( 1050 )

Lieux culturels

1 fiches


  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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