SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Amakula Kampala International Film Festival

  • Amakula Kampala International Film Festival
Genre : Festival
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv

4ème édition. Depuis 2004, ce festival présente sur 10 jours de nombreuses approches du cinéma mondial : ateliers, séminaires, lectures, projections avec des réalisateurs et des films nationaux et internationaux.

The first Amakula Kampala International Film Festival was inaugurated on May 21, 2004. The success of the first festival has secured it a place as an annual event in Kampala. The festival will continue to showcase world cinema both classic and contemporary, with a special focus on African cinema, while bringing international and regional filmmakers together to help create an inspiring and conducive environment for cinema culture. Focused every year on a specific theme the festival will screen films, invite filmmakers to introduce their work, organize workshops and seminars on the practice and theory of film in general and new approaches and developments in Africa in particular, and commission special multi-disciplinary projects in order to inspire an energetic independent culture. A film festival is particularly the place where communities meet and views are exchanged, serving as a platform where all artistic points converge and new roads can be taken.

A special emphasis of Amakula is its determination to seek its audiences in different venues throughout the city. Through collaborations with many different venues and institutions Amakula Kampala wishes to find a broad base of interest and support within the city.

The screening programme will be divided into selections that can be defined as:
Contemporary Cinema A survey of current films from around the world
Cinema Landmarks A selection of film classics chosen with particular relevance to the festival's theme and related programmes
African Panorama A broad selection of historic and contemporary African films that provide a good context for understanding African cinema
East Africa Focus A special concentration on locally made projects which are further grouped by country, i.e. Ugandan Focus, Kenyan Focus, Tanzanian Focus, Rwandan Focus, Burundi Focus, Ethiopian Focus, Eritrean Focus, Congolese Focus, Zambia Focus, Mozambique Focus, Sudanese Focus.

The Golden Impala Eastern Africa Short Film Award will be given each year to the winner of the competition for short film and video productions from eastern Africa. Eligible for participation are productions no longer than thirty minutes made by directors from Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Congo, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, and Eritrea. Work in any genre or category is welcome. During the festival an international jury will award the best short work from the East African region.
Videos can be submitted for consideration in order to be selected for the competition in VHS, DVD or mini-DV format with a maximum length of 30 minutes. Include all information on the film (director, title, year, length, medium, synopsis). Deadline for submissions is March 15, 2007. Submissions for longer productions for screening in the film festival outside the competition are also welcomed.

Amakula Kampala intends to create an open forum that will offer a much needed impetus for creative exchange and discussion. Film directors will be invited to the festival from the region and beyond to engage in discussion and symposia, hold lectures and seminars and present their own films thus giving the audience the opportunities for questions and debate.
Amakula Kampala organizes an annual Conference on East African Cinema that discusses the state of cinema within East Africa. A symposium is held around the theme of the festival. Green Room Lectures and Round Tables are held with attending filmmakers on various subjects.

Workshops and Seminars
Workshops and seminars will be organized in advance of as well as during the festival. Given by local and international film directors they will focus on various aspects of the theory and practice of filmmaking. Each year during the festival filmmakers are invited to give Master Classes on their work

Multi-disciplinary Performances
An important aspect of Amakula Kampala as established in the first festival is the encouragement of unique multi-disciplinary projects. Amakula Kampala intends to uphold this tradition by commissioning local practitioners in the arts in Kampala to engage a specific creative challenge that juxtaposes their own discipline with another. In this way, the festival will regularly commission musicians to create scores or to improvise for classic silent films, theatre makers, dancers and choreographers to work with multi-media and/or visual approaches, and visual artists to create unique multi-media work or design collaboratively within other media. Each festival will be accompanied by an arts exhibition in connection with the theme of the festival. Proposals for multi-disciplinary projects are welcomed.


  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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