SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Tristan Bourlard

Tristan Bourlard
Film director
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Tristan Bourlard directed films, documentaries and television shows for 15 years. In 1994, he received the "Prix Européen du Meilleur Film Scientifique" at the "Festival Scientifique de Palaiseau" in France for "De Mercator aux satellites, histoires cartographiques". IN 1999, the documentary "Matamata et Pilipili" received the "Contribution Award" at the "Margareth Mead Film & Video Festival" in New York, and the Prize for Best Documentary at the FIAT in Santiago [Chili]. He's also directed six documentaries for two thematic evenings on ARTE: "Simenon, l'homme nu" and "Einstein, une vie, un homme". He equally directed two series of geopolitical shows for "Le dessous des cartes". In February 2000, he published "L'oeil du romancier" (Actes Sud, Collection Solin). In 2002, he directed the historical and scientific documentary "La place du mort" for the RTBF and received the "Premier Prix du Film Pédagogique" at the "Festival du Film Archéologique Kinéon" in Brussels.


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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