SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Fata Morgana

  • Fata Morgana
© DR.
Genre : Experimental
Type : Film essay
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1970
Format : Feature
Running time : 79 (in minutes)

Starring: The Sahara Desert and its people

Fata Morgana ("Mirage") is a science-fiction elegy of dead or demented colonialism in the Sahara. Much of the footage consists of filmed mirages.

German, English, French, Lat. Am. Spanish, Italian
79 minutes, 35 mm, colour

Director: Werner Herzog
Narrator: Lotte Eisner
Director of Photography: Jörg Schmidt-Reitwein
Editor: Beate Mainka-Jellinghaus
Sound Engineer: Hans v. Mallinckrodt

Germany: Filmverlag der Autoren
World: Werner Herzog Film - World Sales
Available Formats: 35/16mm, Video

Original Title FATA MORGANA
Original Screenplay Werner Herzog
Year of production: 1970
Duration: 79 min.
Length: 2140 m
Format: 35 mm
Aspect ratio: 1:1,33
Original language version: German
Additional language versions: (links to dialogue/subtitle-lists)Engl/French/Lat.Am.Span/Ital
Colour - b/w: colour
Location: South Sahara, West- and East Africa

Leonard Cohen: Suzanne
Leonard Cohen: So long Marianne
Leonard Cohen: Hey, thats no way to say good-bye
Anonymer Komponist of the 16th Century
Francois Couperin: Lecons des Ténèbres (12.. Lecon)
Without title: Third Ear Band
Mozart: Krönungsmesse (Kyrie)

Production Company: Werner Herzog Filmproduktion
Laboratory: Arri, Munich
Budget: 170.000 DM
World-opening place and date: Munich, 01.02.1972
Rating: 6 years

Quinzaine des Réalisateurs, Cannes 1971
New York Film Festival 1971
London Film Festival 1971
Los Angeles Film Festival 1971


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  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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