SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Espoir Voyage

  • Espoir Voyage
Genre : Drama
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2011
Format : Feature
Running time : 81 (in minutes)

In Burkina Faso, the young people emigration towards Ivory Coast is like a ritual, a passage to the state of adult… But usually, the rule is to leave to come back.

In this adventure, many of them never come back, for various reasons hard to understand by those who stayed.

Joanny, my older brother, suddenly left our family one morning of 1978.
After 18 years of absence, as we were still without news from him, one of our cousin who just came back from Ivory Coast, told us Joanny died. To try to understand what drives my Brother to leave at 14, I make the same travel from Koudougou (Burkina Faso) to Ivory Coast, looking for his traces and his history.

In this documentary, I make the same travel, with the same bus, on the same road than those who emigrate, as my Brother {;} did 32 years ago.

With this travel I collect words from those who are still leaving Burkina Faso and those who had already left ; they speak about breaking off, departure and Emigration.

How many people hope that one day a familiar who left for years will come back ?
How many people did not believe in the death of a familiar for having almost no news about him?
Who are these young emigrated people who are still leaving their country to go to Ivory Coast, looking for happiness, without knowing what will happen on the other side and when they will come back ?

The movie is founded on my own travel, looking for the story of my brother, his motivations, his doubts and his wandering. These questions will cross the film from the beginning to the end.

A film by Michel K. Zongo (Burkina Faso), Documentary

produced by
Michel K. Zongo (Diam Production)
& Christian LELONG (Cinédoc films)

More infos on www.espoir-voyage.com or sur www.cinedoc.fr

Cinédoc films (France)
Diam Production (Burkina Faso)



Jahre nach dem Tod seines Bruders begibt sich der burkinische Filmemacher Michel Zongo auf eine persönliche Spurensuche in die Elfenbeinküste. Dorthin war Joanny vor langer Zeit aufgebrochen, aber nie zurückgekehrt. Wie so viele junge Männer suchte er Arbeit im reicheren Nachbarland. Sein Verbleib lässt dem Regisseur keine Ruhe: Wer war Joanny, unter welchen Umständen lebte und starb er? Am Zielort trifft Zongo auf eine ganze Community von Burkinesen, die unter harten Bedingungen auf Kakao- und Kaffeeplantagen arbeiten.
Schnell viel Geld zu verdienen und zurückzukehren ist ihre Hoffnung. Doch die Realität sieht meist anders aus. In einer der berührendsten Szenen des Films spielt der Regisseur seinem Cousin Augustin eine Videobotschaft von dessen Mutter vor. Ihre Vorwürfe, warum er sich nicht melde und dass das Haus dringend repariert werden müsse, treffen Augustin schwer. In seinem Gesicht spiegelt sich die ganze emotionale Last der Hoffnungsträger: Erwartungsdruck, Schuldgefühle, Scham.
Als Zongo schließlich Menschen begegnet, die seinen Bruder kannten,
findet er den erhofften Trost. Ein Unbehagen über das allzu schnelle Verschwinden von Menschen aus dem Gedächtnis bleibt.

Frankreich/Burkina Faso 2011
Länge 81 Min. · Format Digi Beta · Farbe

Regie, Kamera: Michel K. Zongo
Ton: Moumouni Jupiter Sodré
Musik: Pierre Sanwindi
Schnitt: François Sculier
Produzenten: Christian Lelong (Cinédoc Films), Michel K. Zongo (Diam Production)

Cinédoc Films
Annecy, Frankreich

Co-Produktion Diam Production, Ouagadougou

Source: Berlinale 2012

Summary for official catalogues

In Burkina Faso, the young people emigration towards Ivory Coast is like a ritual, a passage to the state of adult… But usually, the rule is to leave to come back. In this adventure, many of them never come back, for various reasons hard to understand by those who stayed. Joanny, my older brother, suddenly left our family one morning of 1978. After 18 years of absence, as we were still without news from him, one of our cousin who just came back from Ivory Coast, told us Joanny died. To try to understand what drives my Brother to leave at 14, I make the same travel from Koudougou (Burkina Faso) to Ivory Coast, looking for his traces and his history.

A film by Michel K. Zongo (Burkina Faso), 2011, Documentary, 81 mins

produced by Michel K. Zongo (Diam Production) & Christian LELONG (Cinédoc films)

More infos on www.espoir-voyage.com or sur www.cinedoc.fr

Cinédoc films (France)
Diam Production (Burkina Faso)



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1 files

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Espoir voyage - de Michel K. Zongo



  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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