SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Tête dure / Hard Head

Genre : Arts, fine arts

Book ISBN number : 978-90-78681-06-9
Pages : 128

Year : 2008
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Fine arts

W.F.C. Uriôt prize 2006,
awarded by the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam.

On 29 of November 2006 mounir fatmi and Marijn van Kreij were named the winners of the W.F.C. Uriôt prize 2006. The Uriôt prize was set up in 1957. The three jury members are annually selected from international artists, curators and others in the world of arts. The jury independently nominates an artist or a group of artists whose work and work process can be regarded as exceptional and unparalleled. The work should offer leads to be expanded upon in a publication.
The jury members in 2006 were: Maria Barnas, writer/artist, Amsterdam/NL; Martin Maloney, artist, London/UK; Cristina Ricupero, freelance curator, Paris/FR.

- mounir fatmi, manifeste
- Evelyne Toussaint, Tête dure / le cogito de mounir fatmi
- Marie Deparis, Connexions, Les voleurs
- Paul Ardenne, mounir fatmi, être perplexe ou ne pas être
- interview David Hilliard par mounir fatmi et Evelyne Toussaint
(avec l'aimable autorisation de la Fondation P.Huey Newton)

conception graphique
sabah el jabli, mounir fatmi

Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam.
128 pages, 16 x 21 cm, parution juin 2008
ISBN 978-90-78681-06-9

Livre en vente
- à la librairie Flammarion, centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
- Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam www.rijksakademie.nl


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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