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Yousry Nasrallah

© courtesy Cannes FilmFest
Film director, Actor, Film critic, Screenwriter, Assistant director
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv, Literature

Egyptian Film Director and screenwriter.

He is sometimes credited as
Yousri Nasrallah

Yousry NASRALLAH is a Director screenwriter and actor.

He is known for "Adieu Bonaparte" (1984, Assistant-Director / Screenwriter), "Alexandrie, encore et toujours" (1990, Assistant-Director), BAB EL CHAMS / LA PORTE DU SOLEIL (2004, Director / Screenwriter), "Femmes du Caire | Scheherazade, Tell Me a Story" | Ehky ya Shahraza (2009, Director), "Microphone" (2010, Actor), 18 JOURS | TAMANTASHAR YOM (2011, Co-Director), BAAD EL MAWKEAA / APRÈS LA BATAILLE (2012, Director / Screenwriter), "Le Ruisseau, le pré vert et le doux visage" (2016, Director / Screenwriter).

In 2022, he is President of the CINÉFONDATION & SHORTS Jury at 75th Cannes FilmFestival (17-28 MAY 2022).

Born in Cairo in 1952
He studied statistics in the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, during which time he was active in the film club movement. From 1978-82 he worked in Beirut as a film critic. After collaborating on a project with documentary filmmaker Omar Amiralay, he worked as an assistant director for Youssef Chahine from 1982-85 on his film, ADIEU BONAPARTE. He has been a director in his own right since 1988 and has shown his work at numerous international film festivals ever since.

Egyptian filmmaker Yousry Nasrallah studied economics and political sciences at Cairo University and went on to become a film critic and assistant director in Beirut. Upon returning to Cairo in 1982, he worked with Youssef Chahine on Bonaparte in Egypt, with production company Misr International Films going on to produce his first films. He shot his first feature film Summer Thefts (Directors' Fortnight) in 1988, following up with The Mercedes (1993) which was selected at the Locarno Film Festival, On Boys, Girls and the Veil (1995), a documentary about Egypt's young people, and The City (1999), which was awarded Locarno's Special Jury Prize. His eponymous book-to-screen adaptation of Elias Khoury's novel The Gate of Sun was in the Festival de Cannes' Official Selection in 2004. He went on to film The Aquarium (2008) and Scheherazade, Tell Me a Story (2009) which was screened at the Venice Film Festival. In 2011, his Interior/Exterior was included in 18 Days, an anthology of shorts screened at the Festival de Cannes in honour of Egypt. The following year he was back in the Official Selection, in Competition with After the Battle. His last film Brooks, Meadows and Lovely Faces was presented in Official Competition at the Locarno Film Festival in 2016

FILMOGRAPHY (selection)

(1982) - "La Mémoire | Hadouta masrya" /// Directed by Youssef Chahine
* Assistant-Director

(1984) - ADIEU BONAPARTE /// Directed by Youssef Chahine
* Assistant-Director / Screenwriter

(1988) - "Vols d'été | Sarikat Sayfeya (Sariqat Sayfiyya)"
* Réalisateur

(1989) - "Alexandrie encore et toujours" /// Directed by Youssef Chahine
* Assistant-Director

(1991) - "Le Caire vu par Chahine | Al-Qahira menauwwara bi ahlaha" /// Directed by Youssef Chahine
* Assistant-Director

(1993) - "Mercedes"
* Réalisateur

(1994) - "Le Figurant"
* Réalisateur

(1994) - "Une journée particulière avec Youssef Chahine"
* Réalisateur

(1995) - "À propos des garçons, des filles et du voile (Sobyan oue banat)"
* Réalisateur

(1999) - "La Ville | Al-Madina"
* Réalisateur

(2001) - "Immondialisable"
* Réalisateur

* Réalisateur / Scénariste / Dialoguiste

(2008) - "L'Aquarium | Genenet al asmak (Gnenet el Asmak)"
* Réalisateur

(2009) - "Femmes du Caire | Scheherazade, Tell Me a Story) | Ehky ya Shahraza"
* Réalisateur

(2010) - "Objet trouvé sur un tournage"
* Réalisateur

(2010) - "Microphone" /// Directed by Ahmad Abdalla
* Actor

(2011) - "Intérieur/Extérieur - داخلى خارجى"
* Director

(2011) - 18 JOURS | TAMANTASHAR YOM | يوم
* Co-Director

(2012) - BAAD EL MAWKEAA / APRÈS LA BATAILLE - بعد الموقعة
* Director / Screenwriter

(2016) - "Le Ruisseau, le pré vert et le doux visage / الماء والخضرة والوجه الحسن"
* Director / Screenwriter

www.festival-cannes.com/en/artist/yousry-nasrallah (Cannes 2022)
updated by Thierno Dia, on 28 May 2022


Geboren 1952 in Kairo.
Er studierte an der Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Politische Wissenschaften, Fachrichtung Statistik, und engagierte sich in dieser Zeit in der Filmclub-Bewegung. 1978-82 arbeitete er in Beirut als Filmkritiker. Nach einer Zusammenarbeit 1981 mit dem Doku men - tarfilmer Omar Amiralay war er 1982-85 Regieassistent von Youssef Chahine bei dessen ADIEU BONAPARTE. Seit 1988 ist er Regisseur und war seither auf zahlreichen internationalen Festivals mit seinen Arbeiten vertreten.

Regie: Youssef Chahine; Regieassistenz

1987 SARIKAT SAYFEYA (Vols d'été)

Dokumentarfilm, Regie: Youssef Chahine; Regieassistenz

Regie: Youssef Chahine; Regieassistenz

1993 MARCIDES (Mercedes)

1995 SOBYAN WE BANAT (On Boys, Girls and the Veil) - documentaire

1999 EL MADINA (La ville)

2004 BAB EL SHAMS (La porte du soleil)



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18 jours - 18 يوم



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