SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Nouri Bouzid

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Principal country concerned : Column : Music

Director, screenwriter, Nouri Bouzid was born in 1945 in Sfax, Tunisia.

He studied at INSAS (Brussels) in 1968 where he becomes a student of André Delvaux. From his encounter with producer Ahmed Attia was born his first feature film, "L'homme de cendres", screened in Cannes in 1986. Director, actor and poet, he has had a distinguished career, winning numerous prizes : "Les sabots on or", "Poupées d'argile", "Et Shehrazade s'est tuée par des paroles indicibles", "Bezness", "Bent familia", "Making off". In 1994 he participated in founding a film school, EDAC, where he has been teaching since.


النوري بوزيد من مواليد مدينة صفاقس سنة 1945 وخريج المعهد الوطني للفنون ببروكسال. عمل مخرجا مساعدا في أفلام تونسيّة وأجنبيّة عديدة، واشتغل على السيناريو والحوار في أخرى. وقد مثّل شريطه "ريح السدّ" الذي توّج في مهرجان قرطاج 1986 نقطة التحول الحقيقيّة لمسيرته. وحقّق إثره نجاحات عديدة بأفلامه الستّة الطويلة التي عقبته و جاءت لتؤكّد موهبته وأسلوبه المميّز



43 files


72 files


  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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