SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Margaux Juvénal

  • Margaux Juvénal
© courtesy Fondation Lagardère
Producer, Associate producer
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

French Film Producer.

Margaux JUVÉNAL is a Film Producer (Take Shelter, Paris).

Margaux is a graduate of Sciences-Po Paris and of the French Film School La Fémis. She has produced about fifteen short films, presented at Locarno Film Festival, Berlinale, New Directors/ New Films Film Festival, Entrevues Belfort Film Festival, Premiers Plans Angers and Clermont-Ferrand Film Festival, while doing internships at MK2, Why Not Productions, Wild Bunch and 3B Productions. Since 2017, she has been working as a production manager and junior producer at Indie Prod. She has worked on several feature films, including Emad Aleebrahim Dehkordi's "Black Knight", supported by the CNC Aide aux Cinémas du Monde and Pyramide Distribution, currently in preparation.
Margaux Juvénal won the Lagardère Foundation Producer Award in 2019.
She was a Rotterdam Lab participant 2021 (IFFR Pro Connect).

Take Shelter was founded in 2020 by Simon Bleuzé, Alexis Genauzeau and Margaux Juvénal, three film enthusiasts with complementary expertise, to produce French and international features and documentaries by talented emerging filmmakers. After various professional experiences (CHAZ Productions, CG Cinema, Legend, Agat Films & Cie, Indie Prod / Indie Sales, Seattle International Film Festival), they decided to create a production company which responds to their ambition to discover new talents and to accompany the authors they have been following for several years from short films to feature films, with a common objective: to develop quality independent cinema that does not renounce its commercial and international ambitions.

FILMOGRAPHY / FILMOGRAPHIE (In development / En développement) :
Periprava, by Diana Munteanu (Documentary)
The Sunken, by Louise Hémon (Feature film)
Authentiks, by Marie-Rosselet Ruiz (Feature film)
Little Jaffna, by Lawrence Valin (Feature film)
An Ordinary Girl, by Nicolas Silhol (Feature film)

FILMOGRAPHY / FILMOGRAPHIE (Released Movies / Films terminés) :

(2023) Banel & Adama
Feature film / Long-métrage Fiction (France, Senegal) | Dir / Réal : Ramata-Toulaye SY
/// Executive Producer / Productrice déléguée

(2022) Lothar 1999
Short / Court-métrage Fiction | Dir / Réal : Marie Rosselet-Ruiz
/// Executive Producer / Productrice déléguée

(2022) Chevalier noir
Feature film / Long-métrage Fiction | Dir / Réal : Emad Aleebrahim Dehkordi
/// Executive Producer / Productrice déléguée

(2021) Punta Stella
Short / Court-métrage Fiction | Dir / Réal : Pierre Denoits
/// Line Producer / Productrice exécutive
/// Production Manager / Directrice de production

(2021) Gabriel Rose
Short / Court-métrage Fiction | Dir / Réal : Léopold Kraus
/// Associate Producer / Productrice associée

(2021) Astel
Short / Court-métrage Fiction | Dir / Réal : Ramata-Toulaye SY
/// Executive Producer / Productrice déléguée

(2020) Quo Vadis, Aida? - La Voix d'Aïda
Feature film / Long-métrage Fiction | Dir / Réal : Jasmila Zbanic
/// Co-Producer / Coproductrice

(2018) The Plagiarist
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Léo Richard
/// Producer / Productrice

(2018) Le Ciel est clair
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Marie Rosselet-Ruiz | PROD : La Fémis
/// Producer / Productrice

(2018) Les Idées s'améliorent
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Léo Richard
/// Producer / Productrice

(2017) Des jeunes filles disparaissent- Young Girls Vanish
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Clément Pinteaux
/// Producer / Productrice

(2017) To A Passerby
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Léo Richard
/// Producer / Productrice

(2016) Une colline / The Hill
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Diana Munteanu | PROD : La Fémis
/// Producer / Productrice

(2016) The Lisbon Thief
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Léo Richard (Short)
/// Producer / Productrice

(2016) Au loin, Baltimore / Dreaming Of Baltimore
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Lola Quivoro | PROD : La Fémis
/// Producer / Productrice

(2016) La Muse endormie
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Félix Rehm | PROD : La Fémis
/// Producer / Productrice

(2016) Les Aventures de Timour
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Manon Blanc | PROD : La Fémis
/// Producer / Productrice

(2016) Svalbard
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Evgenia Alexandrova | PROD : La Fémis
/// Producer / Productrice

(2016) The Bird and US
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Félix Rehm | PROD : La Fémis
/// Producer / Productrice

(2015) Fils du loup - Son Of The Wolf
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Lola Quivoron | PROD : La Fémis
/// Producer / Productrice

(2014) Petit Lapin
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Hubert Viel
/// Line Producer / Productrice exécutive
/// Production Manager / Directrice de production

(2014) Stand
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Lola Quivoron | PROD : La Fémis
/// Producer / Productrice

(2014) Undead Woman
Short / Court-métrage Fiction | Dir / Réal : Shanti Masud
/// Executive Producer / Productrice déléguée
/// Line Producer / Productrice exécutive

(2014) Replay
Short / Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Dir / Réal : Morgane Derriennic-Long | Prod : La Fémis /// Assistant Director / Assistante à la réalisation

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- https://twitter.com/margauxjuvenal
- https://iffr.com/en/margaux-juvenal
- https://www.lagardere.com/fondation/laureats/margaux-juvenal/
- www.femis.fr/index.php?page=fiche_ancien&id_ancien=18647
- www.unifrance.org/annuaires/personne/400602/margaux-juvenal
Updated by Thierno DIA, 24 April 2023


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  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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