SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Abdou El Mesnaoui

  • Abdou El Mesnaoui
© DR
Film director, Theatre director, Actor, Teacher, University lecturer, Assistant director, General manager, Production executive
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Abdou EL MESNAOUI is a Moroccan actor, director and Phd in higher education at the Higher Institute of the Audiovisual and Cinema Professions in Morocco. Laureate of the Higher Institute of Dramatic Art and Cultural Animation, he began his career as an actor and director at the Theater and then as a manager of cultural institutions before taking up divers movies professions as assistant director and director of production in many movies and television films at national and international level.

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Abdou EL MESNAOUI es un actor, director y doctor marroquí en educación superior en el Instituto Superior de Profesiones Audiovisuales y Cinematográficas de Marruecos. Laureado del Instituto Superior de Arte Dramático y Animación Cultural, comenzó su carrera como actor y director en el Teatro y luego como gerente de instituciones culturales antes de asumir diversas profesiones cinematográficas como asistente de dirección y director de producción en muchas películas y televisión. Películas a nivel nacional e internacional.

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  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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