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Wolf tenderness / Tender is the wolf

Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Ouvrage source : Junun
Original title : Ers Edhib | Mariage du loup | Wolf's Wedding (The)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2006
Format : Feature
Running time : 85 (in minutes)

A film by Jilani al-Saadi, it portrays the suffering of the discarded and the depraved in Arab societies. It tells the story of four young people, poor and unemployed, who opt for violence and revenge.

A very particular night in Tunis. A young man, Stoufa, rebellious and humiliated, meets a young and pretty prostitute. She have been raped by friends by decides to take her vengeance out of Stoufa. He searches for her a night long, but she is difficult to find...

Director, Producer & Scriptwriter: Jilani Saadi
Cinematographer: Mario De Casteniera
Editor: Nadia Ben Rachid
Composer: Cesaria Evora
Cast: Anissa Daoud, Mohamed Grayaa, Habib Ben M'Barak, Attef Bel Hassin, Abdel Monem Chouiat

Una noche especial en Túnez. Un joven, Stoufa, rebelde y humillado, conoce a una joven y linda prostituta. Esta joven es violada por los amigos de Stoufa pero ella decide vengarse sobre éste. Stoufa la busca toda la noche, pero la joven es escurridiza.

Dirección / Réalisation: Jilani Saadi
Producción / Production: Jilani Saadi
Guión / Scénario: Jilani Saadi
Fotografía / Image: Mario De Casteniera
Sonido / Son: David Rit, Thomas Guauder
Música / Musique: Cesaria Evora
Montaje / Montage: Nadia Ben Rachid
Intérpretes / Interprètes: Anissa Daoud, Mohamed Hassine Graya, Atef Ben Hessin, Habib Ben Mbarek, Abdelmoumen Chouiette

Obtenido de "http://www.fcat.es/wiki/index.php/Ors_el_dhib"


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  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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