SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Ville (La) | Al-Madina

  • Ville (La) | Al-Madina
© Courtesy of Tarifa 2011
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title : El Medina
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2010
Format : Short
Running time : 14 (in minutes)

He traveled to another land, another sea, certain that he would find a better city, he was not aware that his city traveled with him. He sought other beings in this new city, but he found the same outskirt neighborhoods in which he was born. The poem by Constantine Kavafis, "The City", serves as the backdrop to the downhearted return of a Moroccan immigrant who lived in Spain from 2001 to 2010.


Viajó hacia otra tierra, otro mar, con la certeza de encontrar una ciudad mejor, pero no sabía que su ciudad viajaba con él. Buscaba otro ser en esa nueva ciudad, pero se encontró con los mismos suburbios que lo habían visto nacer. El poema de Constantin Cavafis "La ciudad" sirve de telón de fondo para el derrotado regreso a su Marruecos natal de un inmigrante que ha vivido en España entre 2001 y 2010.

TITULO: La ciudad - La Ville - The City

DIRECTOR: Gonzalo Ballester
GENERO: Documental
PAÍS: España
AÑO: 2010
CARACTERÍSTICAS: 14' - DigiBeta - Color - Árabe, español - Subtitulado español

Dirección / Réalisation / Director: Gonzalo Ballester
Producción / Production / Producer: Gonzalo Ballester
Guión / Scénario / Screenplay: Gonzalo Ballester
Fotografía / Image / Cinematography: Gonzalo Ballester Juan Ballester
Montaje / Montage / Editing: Gonzalo Ballester
Sonido / Son / Sound: Federico Pajaro
Música / Musique / Music: Coke Rioboó


Summary for official catalogues

He traveled to another land, another sea, certain that he would find a better city, he was not aware that his city traveled with him. He sought other beings in this new city, but he found the same outskirt neighborhoods in which he was born. The poem by Constantine Kavafis, "The City", serves as the backdrop to the downhearted return of a Moroccan immigrant who lived in Spain from 2001 to 2010.

2010, Documentary, Spain, 14 min, DigiBeta - Couleur - Arabic/Spanish - Subtitled

TITLE: La ciudad - La Ville - The City

DIRECTOR: Gonzalo Ballester


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Ville (La) | Al-Madina



  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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