SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Siliva the Zulu

© Courtesy 3 Continents 2013, Nantes
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1927
Format : Feature
Running time : 64 (in minutes)
Film Black & white

Zulu South Africa anthropology Dramatic feature with strong ethnographic element, (silent film) first look at Zulu life in South Africa.

This is a heavily fictionalized account of Zulu life in 1927. Made by an Italian team that included the famous anthropologist Lidio Cipriani, it weaves genuine enthnographical elements into a fantasy of love, witchcraft, and betrayal.

In 1927, Italian director and explorer Attilio Gatti travelled to Zululand along with anthropologist Lidio Cipriani in order to create a film that would weave genuine anthropological elements into a fantasy of witchcraft and betrayal. Gatti took a Western romantic theme of ‘boy meets girl, boy loses girl' and stirred it together with ideas of the tribal as he observed it, choosing his actors from among the local Zulu tribe members. As a result, SILIVA THE ZULU stands virtually alone as a not necessarily authentic record of Zulu life and culture at that time, but certainly the only images we have of a people and their willing collaboration.

A film by Attilio GATTI

South Africa / Italia, (1927) 64 minutes / (1928) 62min,, Feature, Drama, B & W, silent film

directed by Attilio Gatti

World Sales
Villon Films


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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