SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Nairobi Half Life

Genre : Action
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2012
Format : Feature
Running time : 96 (in minutes)

An aspiring actor from upcountry Kenya dreams of becoming a success. In pursuit of this he makes his way to Nairobi: the city of opportunity!

Mwas is a young man from rural Kenya who dreams of becoming an accomplished actor. In pursuit of this dream, he leaves for the bright lights of Nairobi but is soon liberated of all his money and belongings. Finding himself utterly alone in an unknown city, Mwas forms a friendship with a small-time gang leader who takes him in. He is quickly drawn into a world of crime but continues with his dream of becoming an actor.

A film by Tosh Gitonga

NAIROBI HALF LIFE is coming to NAIROBI ::: August 31st, 2012!
Ask your local cinema if they will play the movie.

A young aspiring actor from upcountry Kenya dreams of becoming a success in the bis city. In pursuit of this and to the chagrin of his brother and parents, he makes his way to Nairobi: the city of opportunity.

He quickly understands why Nairobi is nicknamed Nairobbery as he is robbed of all his money and belongings and left alone in a city where he doesn't know a soul. Luck, or the lack of it, brings him face to face with two groups of downtown crooks and he forms a friendship with a young small time gang leader who takes him in.

He is quickly drawn into a new world of theft and violence, even as he still tries tp pursue his dream of becoming an actor. Keeping the two worlds seperate proves to be a contest for him as he struggles to survive in this unknown world called Nairobi.

Kenya, Germany 2012, Swahili, English and Gikuyu with English subtitles, 35 mm, 96 min

starring Joseph K. Wairimu, Olwenya Maina, Nancy Wanjiku Karanja

Director: David Tosh Gitonga
Writers: Serah Mwihaki, Charles "Potash" Matathia, Samuel Munene
Supervising Script Writer: Billy Kahora
Cinematographer: Christian Almesberger, Mohamed Zain
Sound: Bernhardt Joest
Music: Xaver von Treyer

Sarika Hemi Lakhani, Tom Tykwer, Ginger Wilson, Marie Steinmann, Guy Wilson

Country: Kenya/Germany
Language: English/Swahili with English Subtitles
Year: 2012

Print Source: One Fine Day Films

Joseph Wairimu... Mwas
Olwenya Maina... Oti
Nancy Wanjiku Karanja... Amina
Mugambi Nthiga... Cedric
Paul Ogola... Mose
Antony Ndung'u... Waf
Johnson Gitau Chege... Kyalo
Kamau Ndungu... John Waya
Abubakar Mwenda... Dingo
Mburu Kimani... Daddy M
Mehul Savani... Khanji
Maina Joseph... Kimachia

An inspiring story of a young man who pursues his dream against all odds, NAIROBI HALF LIFE is a co-production between Tom Tykwer's One Fine Day Films and Nairobi-based Ginger Ink.

The film is a result of the annual film training workshop is a partnership project between the DW-AKADEMIE, ONE FINE DAY FILMS and GINGER INK. It is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Filmstiftung Nordrhein-Westfalen, the Goethe-Institut Kenya and ARRI Film- & TV Services.

"One of the best-loved new features here this year is Nairobi Half Life" says South Africa's City Press from the Durban International Film Festival.

Sarika Hemi Lakhani, producer
One Fine Day Films GmbH, Berlin, Germany
tel: + 49 170 860 5570
Kastanienallee 79
10435 Berlin, Germany
www.onefinedayfilms.org & http://film-africa.org

Official site: Nairobi Half Life on Facebook


2012 | 33rd DIFF - Durban International Film Festival | DURBAN, South Africa | 19 > 29 July 2012
* World Premiere.
* BEST ACTOR Award for Joseph Wairimu

* Filmmaker in attendance
Screening: 21st Jul - 8:00 PM - Suncoast Cinema - Suncoast B
Screening: 24th Jul - 7:45 PM - Ster Kinekor Musgrave - Musgrave B



'Nairobi Half Life' ist der Debütfilm des kenianischen Regisseurs Tosh Gitonga

Deutschland / Kenia 2010-2012, Spielfilm

Regie: David Tosh Gitonga
Drehbuch: Billy Kahora, Serah Mwihaki, Charles Potash Matathia, Samuel Munene
Kamera: Christian Almesberger
Visuelle Effekte: Roland Pfisterer
Szenenbild: Naia Barrenechea
Schnitt: Mkaiwawi Mwakaba
Ton: Bernhardt Joest
Musik: Xaver von Treyer
Produktionsfirma: One Fine Day Films (Berlin)
in Co-Produktion mit: Deutsche Welle Akademie (Bonn), Ginger Ink Films (Nairobi)
Produzent: Tom Tykwer, Ginger Wilson, Sarika Lakhani
Dreharbeiten: 25.10.2010-20.11.2010: Nairobi
Filmförderung: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (Berlin), Film- und Medien Stiftung NRW (Düsseldorf), Arri Film & TV (München)
Länge: 96 min
Format: 1:2,35
Bild/Ton: Farbe, Dolby
Aufführung: Uraufführung (SZ): 21.07.2012, Durban, IFF

Summary for official catalogues

Mwas is a young man from rural Kenya who dreams of becoming an accomplished actor. In pursuit of this dream, he leaves for the bright lights of Nairobi but is soon liberated of all his money and belongings. Finding himself utterly alone in an unknown city, Mwas forms a friendship with a small-time gang leader who takes him in. He is quickly drawn into a world of crime but continues with his dream of becoming an actor.

Kenya, Germany 2012, Swahili, English and Gikuyu with English subtitles, 35 mm, 96 min

Director: Tosh Gitonga


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Recurring events

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  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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