SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

In Search of Hip Hop

  • In Search of Hip Hop
Genre : Musical
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2012
Format : Short
Running time : 11 (in minutes)

Straight out of Khartoum comes a short film featuring a collection of young men who call themselves Hip Hop Artists, In Search of Hip Hop, directed and shot by Issraa El-Kogali, offers a an inside look at a fresh new wave of creative expression in Sudan. With a recent boom in live performances and visiting DJs and MCs from Europe and the USA the Hip Hop fire is really catching on in the city of two Niles. The film features live performances, spur of the moment freestyling and footage from the first Sudan Boombox live DJ party in spring of 2010.

You don't expect to find hip-hop in Sudan. Everything God prohibited really is banned there. When you do find some, it is, at the very least, touching.

The title is perfect. Sudan's political and religious climate doesn't exactly foster counter-culture. The filmmaker really had to hunt for some and found little, but what she encountered was disarmingly original. Portrait of rappers that have yet to learn how to rap.

directed by Issraa El-Kogali, 2012, Sudan, 11 min

This film was produced by Goethe Institut Sudan.

In Search of Hip Hop (11 mins, Sudan, 2010) from Issraa El-Kogali on Vimeo.

Director: Issraa El-Kogali
Producer: Goethe-Institut Sudan, Sudan Film Factory
Photography: Issraa El-Kogali
Editor: Christoph Lumpe
Production design: Issraa El-Kogali
Sound design: Issraa El-Kogali
Music : MoJo, MCMO, DZA and L.U.A.L
Length: 11'
Film format: DCP
Sales: Sudan Film Factory
Print source: Sudan Film Factory


I Israa El-Kogalis första film får vi en inblick i Sudans musikliv. Vi får möta musiker, hiphopare och producenter i den spirande Sudanska musikindustrin. Dokumentären ger en bild av Sudan vi sällan fått möte.

Issraa El-Kogali, 2010, Sudan, 11 min

Source: www.cinemafrica.se/sv/component/content/article/332


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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