SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Garifuna in Peril

  • Garifuna in Peril
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2012
Format : Feature
Running time : 100 (in minutes)

A Garifuna language teacher fights to keep his endangered language alive in the face of personal betrayal and tourism's encroachment.

A film by Alí Allié & Ruben Reyes

2012, USA / Honduras, Drama, 1h40 min, HD

Production: Aban Productions

A Garifuna language instructor (Ricardo) in Los Angeles tries to help preserve his disappearing Afro-Amerindian culture by building a small Garifuna language school in his home village on the North Coast of Honduras. Complications ensue when a representative of a nearby tourist resort seduces his brother (Miguel) into selling the land the school was supposed to be built on. This betrayal sets in motion Ricardo's new determination to defend his people's ancestral lands as he returns to Honduras seeking a confrontation with the resort owner. While Ricardo is in Honduras, his son Elija engages in the rehearsal and performance of a theater play (embellished by cultural dances) about Garifuna history dramatizing a land struggle 213 years ago on their homeland island of St. Vincent, thus drawing parallels between Ricardo's contemporary struggle and a critical historical one. Additionally, Ricardo's 18 year old daughter Helena explores a relationship with a new boyfriend, bringing attention to HIV/AIDS issues, another important issue facing the Garifuna and worldwide community.

GARIFUNA IN PERIL" is a dramatic feature film focusing on historical and contemporary issues facing the Garifuna community. The Garifuna are descendants of Carib, Arawak and West African people who live in the coastal regions of Central America and are considered indigenous to the Americas.

With dialogue in three languages (10% Spanish, 20% English, 70% Garifuna) and a blending of dramatic and ethnographic styles, "Garifuna in Peril" entertains with rich characters and cultural energy while conveying educational themes and a social message about the importance of preserving indigenous cultures.

Year of Production : 2012
Country: USA | Honduras
Language: English | Spanish
Runtime: 1 hr 40 min (100 min)
Color: Color
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 HD

Ruben Reyes (Ricardo)
Gloria Garnett (Becky)
Julian Castillo (Miguel)
Aubrey Wakeling (Richard)
Arleny Escobar (Vera)
Yessica Alvarez (Helena)
Luisito Martinez (Gabriel)
E.J. Mejia, Jr. (Elijah)
Etsil Arnold (Jimmy)
Saira Amaya (Wendy)
Araceli Nuñez (Yanisi)

Alí Allié (Writer/Producer/Director)
Ruben Reyes (Writer/Producer/Director)
Bill Flores (Writer)
Ben Flores (Assistant Producer)
Dudley Augustine (Associate Producer)
Jorge Garifuna (Associate Producer)
Teresa Reyes (Production Manager - Honduras)
Franzwah Estrada (Camera)
Angel Castillo (Camera)
Jennifer E. Jones (Assistant Director/Sound)
Bahram Nadimi (Camera/Sound)
Alan Flagg (Production Assistant)
Milton Güity, Jr. (Editor)
Katherine Cumpa (Editor)
Marya Murphy (Editor)
Teofilo Colon, Jr. (Publicity/Bookings)
Nyreese Arzu (Marketing Director)

Filming Locations:
Los Angeles, California, USA

Aban Productions
P.O. Box 46035
Los Angeles, CA 90046, USA
+1(424) 234-DAWA


  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

With the support of