SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Death for Sale

  • Mort à vendre (Death for Sale) - موت [...]
© Courtesy of FIFM 2011, Marrakech
Genre : Comedy
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2011
Format : Feature
Running time : 117 (in minutes)

Malik, Allal and Soufiane, three friends, make their living as pickpockets in Tetouan. One day, they decide to change their destiny and they rob the town's largest jewellery store. But each of them has a different reason to join the heist and they are soon pitted against one another...

Dir: Faouzi Bensaidi

Belgium, France, Morocco & UAE

Malik, Allal and Soufiane are three friends who live off pickpocketting in a town stuck between a hill and a large mountain, Tetouan. One day, they decide to change their destiny and rob the town's largest jewellery store. But the reasons for the heist soon come to divide and pit them against each other!
Malik, 26, unemployed, is madly in love with Dounia, a prostitute at "La Passarella" nightclub. He takes part in the heist so that he can get her out of there.
Allal, 30, is a big and strong tough guy. He doesn't understand why Malik is in love with Dounia. He takes part in the heist so that he can fry bigger fish in the drugs trade.
Soufiane, 18, is avoiding going to school except for sports. He is agile and quick with an easy laugh, dependable and easy-going but, one day, his world is turned upside down. He takes part in the heist so that he can kill the Christian owner of the boutique.
A town that is under a permanently low, heavy sky, three losers, a dream of grandeur, a jewellery store, and a woman who arrives in town...

Producers: Souad Lamriki, Sebastien Delloye
Production Companies: Agora film, Entre Chien ET Loup

Production : Sébastien Delloye - Entre Chien et Loup
Souad Lamriki - Agora Films Production
Screenwriting : Faouzi Bensaïdi
Belgium, France, Morocco & United Arab Emirates
2011 I 117 minutes l In color
In Arabic with English & French subtitles

Cinematography: Marc-André Batigne
Editing: Danielle Anezin
Music: Richard Horowitz

Fehd Benchemsi, Fouad Labiad, Mouchcine Malzi, Iman Mechrafi, Faouzi Bensaïdi, Nezha Rahil

After "www. What a wonderful world", a "playful" genre film, "Death for Sale" will continue exploring the same genre, moving towards the linearity of pure storytelling, seemingly head-on.But will the genre and its codes remain impervious to profound reality, to a changing world? Won't the mere fact of strutting an intrigue, and characters, in streets that exude social tension and threatening extremists mean that, almost without wanting them to, the codes will be altered and the genre end up "contaminated"? Let's hope so. Tetouan is where this story takes place. It's a prideful, abandoned, wounded northern town in which violence and trafficking are present alongside an ever-increasing fanaticism. It's the ideal location for a dark, violent film with a thread of warped humour...
Faouzi Bensaïdi

"I enjoyed the film very much. Tough, strong, lyrical, well acted, and designed..."
Martin Scorsese, (Letter to Faouzi Bensaïdi)

Urban Distribution
14, rue du 18 août
93100 Montreuil
Tel : +33 1 48 70 46 55
Fax : +33 1 49 72 04 21
Email : contact@urbandistrib.com

Director's Quote:
After www.what a wonderful world, a playful genre film, Death for Sale will continue to explore the same genre, moving towards the linearity of pure storytelling. But will the genre and its codes remain impervious to profound reality, to a changing world?

Locations and shooting dates: Tetouan, Casablanca - octobre-novembre / October-November 2009
Shooting language: ARABIC
Working budget: € 1.53 M
Acquired financing (in April 2009): € 0.68 M


2009 | Cannes Film Festival | CANNES, France
* L'Atelier du Festival (Scripts)


مالك، 26 سنة ، يعشق دنيا حدالجنون وبربد تخليصها من عالم الدعارة. علال، 30 سنة،يحلم بضربة العمرمن خلال الاتجار بالمخدرات. سفيان، 18 سنة، كله غضب يتغذي من فكرة الانتقام من المجتمع.
سرقة أكبر محلات بيع المجوهرات بمدينة تطوان هوالهدف الذي يصبو إليه الأصدقاءالثلاثة،ليس لهم في ذلك ما يخسرونه ولايرهبهم شيء للوصول إلى غايتهم.

موت للبيع
إخراج: فوزيبنسعيدي

تشخيص :فهدبنشمسي، فؤاد الأبيض، محسن مالزي، إيمان مشرافي، فوزي بنسعيدي

البلد: بلجيكا، فرنسا و المغرب

البيع عبر العالم
الهاتف : + 33 1 48 70 46 55
contact@urbandistrib.com: البريدالإلكتروني

Summary for official catalogues

Malik, Allal and Soufiane, three friends, make their living as pickpockets in Tetouan. One day, they decide to change their destiny and they rob the town's largest jewellery store. But each of them has a different reason to join the heist and they are soon pitted against one another...

Dir: Faouzi Bensaidi

2011, Belgium, France, Morocco & UAE, 117 min


10 files


23 files


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Mort à vendre (Death for Sale) - موت [...]



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