SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Boda Boda Thieves (The) | Omubbi Boda Boda

  • Boda Boda Thieves (The) | Omubbi Boda Boda
Type : Fiction
Original title : Boda Boda Thief (The) [alternate title]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2015
Format : Feature
Running time : 85 (in minutes)

Even though he is only 15 years old, when his father is injured in a road accident Abel takes up the responsibility of manning the family boda boda. Abel however, is always on the lookout for a shortcut and when a local hustler offer's him the chance of being a snatch and grab get-away driver, he lurches headlong into a world of easy money and quick thrills. It all turns sour though when Abel himself is robbed of his father's boda boda. He is now forced to pile lie upon lie to his parents and the authorities as he searches for the stolen motorbike through the underbelly of Kampala.

The film is freely inspired by and an African homage to the classic Italian neo-realist film BICYCLE THIEVES (1948) by Vittorio De Sica.


Directed by Donald Mugisha (Uganda)

Section :Long Narrative
Country :Uganda
Production Year : 2015

Produced by James Tayler (South Africa)


2011 | 21st Oslo Films from the South Film Festival - 1st edition ofThe Sørfond Forum 2011, OSLO, Norway
* Pitching forum 2011
Producer: James Taylor (attending)

2010 | 32ème festival des 3 Continents, Nantes, France
* "Produire au Sud" 2010 (atelier de formation aux outils de la coproduction internationale)



Abel vive a Kampala e, come tutti i suoi coetanei, non ha alcuna prospettiva per il futuro. La sua vita cambierà quando il padre, guidatore di boda boda (mototaxi), a causa di un incidente deve fermarsi e abbandonare il lavoro. Film liberamente ispirato a "Ladri di Biciclette" di Vittorio De Sica.

Regia: Donald Mugisha

Uganda/Kenya/Sudafrica/Germania 2015 - 85 min



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  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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