SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Algérie, des enfants parlent

  • Algérie, des enfants parlent
Genre : Drama
Type : Documentary
Original title : Al-Gaza'ir, Atfal Tashhad
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1999
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 54 (in minutes)

The film evokes war and terrorism through the eyes of the children, those of the director during the Algerian war and those of all children today who suffer like a fatality the repetition of horror and massacres. Algeria/Belgium/France Color, Beta SP, 54' Image: Pierre Gordower, S. Touzaine. Sound: Pierre Mertens, Farid Korteby. Editing: Marie-Hélène Mora. Music: Pierre Michaud, Djalil el-Afia.


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  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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