SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Air Conditioner

Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2020
Format : Feature
Running time : 72 (in minutes)

One day, air conditioners in the Angolan capital Luanda start to mysteriously fall from the buildings. When security guard Matacedo is told to get his overheating boss an air conditioning unit before the end of the day, he starts a mission that, among other things, brings him into contact with the eccentric owner of an electronics store. This is a film about the heartbeat of this city: the buildings in Luanda which visibly bear its history, and the people trying to rebuild their lives after the civil war.

José Kiteculo, Filomena Manuel, David Caracol, Sacerdote, Tito Spyck, Filipe Pali

a film by Fradique

Angola, 2020, Feature Narrative, 1h12', DCP, in Portuguese with English subtitles

Original title: Ar condicionado
International title: Air Conditioner
Country of production: Angola
Production Year: 2020
Length: 72'
Medium: DCP
Language: Portuguese


A reminder that our city is made up of people, memories and not empty, glazed skyscrapers, inspired by soap operas or American films.
This movie is about buildings and all the "transparent people" who work and build their lives in them everyday.
I grew up and lived in different ancient buildings in central Luanda. Matacedo is a character that embodies and reflects the state of inertia and, at the same time, of hope, pertaining to the vertical dystopias in which we live. In these buildings, each person dreams of the house they want and scramble for the memories they don't have.
In these buildings, the elevators are made of bricks and trees grow out of the walls - our neorealism is pure magic. My desire is that the film may now join the fallen air conditioners and be part of the living memory of this city.

It is in one of these buildings located on Rainha Ginga Street, in one of Mutamba's avenues at the heart of Luanda, that the narrative unfolds. Just like Matacedo and Zezinha, the building is also a main character with all its ramifications and infiltrations.
Like many other buildings from the 1950s, during the colonial period, ours is now worn out by time, history, individual salvation. In it, the cramped rooms, designed for one occupant only, have been reconfigured to house whole families, the remaining part of the terrace that is still unoccupied by makeshift rooms has become a football field where children play between the clothes left out to dry and the back yards were converted into repositories of power generators, water tanks and pumps, tangled pipes and electrical wires which, on its own, put together a scenario - real, unreal, surreal - ready to film. You risk crumbling, yes! but they carry a part of us, a sample of our society, dictate the pulse of this city and force us, albeit unwillingly, to live together.
This film is one of many reflections on the city of Luanda, object of unplanned urban sprawl, the result of a civil war that lasted nearly three decades that led a forced exodus into the capital. Rampant growth has left profound sequels not only in buildings, but fundamentally in people. It is this urban contemporary reality, so well portrayed in books like Ondjaki's Transparent or Cafuxi's pictures, to whom we owe all the photos in this press kit and in the opening credits of the film, which we invite you to discover.

#Geração80 #Cinema #AfricanFilmmakers #Angola

Cast (in credits order)
José Kiteculo... Matacedo
Filomena Manuel... Zézinha
David Caracol... Mino
Tito Spyck... Tito
Sacerdote... Kudurista
Filipe Kamela Paly... Filipe
Wilson Medradas... Wilson
Madalena Celestino Domingos Salgueiro... Cabo-Verdianas 1
Ana Maria Celestino Salgueiro... Cabo-Verdianas 2
Solange Caetano Feijó... Carpideira 1
Francisca Laura... Carpideira 2
Dimossi Madalena Pedro Francisco... Carpideira 3
Micaela Mazina Pedro Manuel... Carpideira 4
Cássio Magalhães Félix... Óbito 1 / Vizinho / Passageiro Táxi
Justino Kalei... Óbito 2 / Passageiro Táxi
Jéssica Júlio... Óbito 3 / Passageira Táxi
Herlander Glenóide... Patrão
Patrícia Rodrigues... Patroa
Malaquias... Segurança
Benilson Almeida... Criança a brincar
Salaquiel... Criança a brincar
Isael... Criança a brincar
Flávio... Criança a brincar
Silas Cassuma... Cobrador Táxi
Alfredo Domingos... Passageiro Táxi
Rui Magalhães... Passageiro Táxi
Prudênciana Hach... Passageira Táxi / Sec. de Estado Rádio voz
Alice da Cruz... Editora de Notícias / Moderadora TV e Rádio voz / Publicidade Rádio voz
César da Silveira... Sociólogo Rádio (voice)
Adalberto Cawaia... Académico Rádio (voice)
Hilma Sassa... Publicidade Rádio (voice)

Producer: Jorge Cohen
Line Producer: Prudênciana Hach

Director: Fradique
Screenplay: Fradique, Ery Claver
Director of photography: Ery Claver
Film Editing by Zeno Monyak
Production Design (Art Direction): Prudênciana Hach
Sound: Oswald Juliana
Sound Design (Sound mixer): Gernot Fuhrmann
Original Music: Aline Frazão
Guest Artist: Cafuxi
Assistant art director: Jéssica Júlio
Foley mixer: Albrecht Ihlenburg
Foley artist: Franziska Treutler
Still photographer: Cafuxi
Focus puller: Ery Claver
First assistant camera / steadicam operator: Eduardo Kropotkine
Wardrobe: Prudênciana Hach...
Colorist: Geraldo Alexandre Neptune

Music Department
Cupull... Violoncelo: "Mino's Dream" Solo
Paulo Flores... singer: "Matacedo"
Aline Frazão... Fender Rhodes: "Mino's Dream"/Piano Desafinado / music producer
Sérgio Milhano... music mixer
Iuri Oliveira... Congas, Percussão e Kissanje: "Mino's Dream"/"Matacedo"/"Gotas Nº1/Gotas Nº2"
Marco Peão... Violão: "Matacedo"
Raidel... Trombone: "Mino's Dream"/"Matacedo"
Yasmane Santos... Dikanza: "Matacedo"
Francesco Valente... Contrabaixo: "Mino's Dream"/"Matacedo"/"Gotas Nº1/Gotas Nº2"

PRODUCTION: Geração 80 (Luanda)

produced with financial support of
IFFR - International Film Festival Rotterdam (funding)

Sales: Geração 80


- Nominee: Golden Stallion /// FESPACO 2021 (Ouaga, Burkina Faso)
- Selection /// Afrika Film Festival de Cologne 2021 (Cologne, Germany)
- Jury Award /// 10è LAFF - Luxor African Film Festival (26-31 March 2021, Luxor, Egypt)
- Nominee: Grand Prix /// Luxembourg City Film Festival 2021 (Luxembourg City, Luxembourg)
- Nominee: Emerging Filmmaker Award /// Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival 2021 (Minneapolis, USA)
- Nominee: Grand Prix (International Competition) /// Fribourg International Film Festival 2020 (Fribourg, Switzerland)
- World premiere /// IFFR 2020, Rotterdam (Rotterdam, Netherlands)



Op mysterieuze wijze beginnen op een dag de airconditioners in de Angolese hoofdstad Luanda van de gebouwen af te vallen. Als bewaker Matacedo de opdracht krijgt om voor het einde van de dag een airco bij zijn verhitte baas te bezorgen, belandt hij onder andere bij de excentrieke eigenaar van een elektronicazaak. Zijn zoektocht is het startpunt voor een prettig losse film over de polsslag van deze stad: de gebouwen in Luanda die de geschiedenis zichtbaar dragen, en de mensen die er hun leven proberen op te bouwen na de burgeroorlog.

Muziek en geluid gidsen ons door de stad: we horen een jazzy soundtrack, een maatschappijkritische rap, het chaotische rumoer van de stad en surrealistisch vervormde geluiden. De opening van de film zet gelijk de toon, met stadsportretten van de Angolese fotograaf Cafuxi. Het onafhankelijk geproduceerde Air Conditioner is volledig in Angola geschreven, geproduceerd en opgenomen door het collectief Geração 80 en laat zien dat de kunstzinnige cinema in Angola springlevend is.

José Kiteculo, Filomena Manuel, David Caracol, Sacerdote, Tito Spyck, Filipe Pali

een film van Fradique

Angola, 2020, Fictie, 72'

Originele titel: Ar condicionado
Internationale titel: Airconditioner
Productieland: Angola
Productiejaar: 2020
Lengte: 72'
Medium/Formaat: DCP
Taal: Portugees

José Kiteculo... Matacedo
Filomena Manuel... Zézinha
David Caracol... Mino
Tito Spyck... Tito
Sacerdote... Kudurista
Filipe Kamela Paly... Filipe
Wilson Medradas... Wilson
Madalena Celestino Domingos Salgueiro... Cabo-Verdianas 1
Ana Maria Celestino Salgueiro... Cabo-Verdianas 2
Solange Caetano Feijó... Carpideira 1
Francisca Laura... Carpideira 2
Dimossi Madalena Pedro Francisco... Carpideira 3
Micaela Mazina Pedro Manuel... Carpideira 4
Cássio Magalhães Félix... Óbito 1 / Vizinho / Passageiro Táxi
Justino Kalei... Óbito 2 / Passageiro Táxi
Jéssica Júlio... Óbito 3 / Passageira Táxi
Herlander Glenóide... Patrão
Patrícia Rodrigues... Patroa
Malaquias... Segurança
Benilson Almeida... Criança a brincar
Salaquiel... Criança a brincar
Isael... Criança a brincar
Flávio... Criança a brincar
Silas Cassuma... Cobrador Táxi
Alfredo Domingos... Passageiro Táxi
Rui Magalhães... Passageiro Táxi
Prudênciana Hach... Passageira Táxi / Sec. de Estado Rádio voz
Alice da Cruz... Editora de Notícias / Moderadora TV e Rádio voz / Publicidade Rádio voz
César da Silveira... Sociólogo Rádio (voice)
Adalberto Cawaia... Académico Rádio (voice)
Hilma Sassa... Publicidade Rádio (voice)

Producent: Jorge Cohen

Filmmaker: Fradique
Scenario: Fradique, Ery Claver
Camera: Ery Claver
Editor: Zeno Monyak
Production Design: Prudênciana Hach
Sound Design: Gernot Fuhrmann
Muziek: Aline Frazão

Geração 80 (Luanda)

Onderdeel van African Collectives Project, gemaakt in opdracht van IFFR.

SALES: Geração 80

Festivaleditie: IFFR 2020
* Première: Wereld première
* Bright Future : Bright Future Main Programme
Als onderdeel van Critics' Choice wordt de vertoning van za 25 Jan, 19:30 voorafgegaan door een video-essay van Rasha Hosny.


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  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

With the support of