SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

The Bullshit or Land of the Enslaved People

Release date : Friday 01 april 2022
Genre : Short stories

Book ISBN number : 978-9956-335-87-9
DEWEY code : Literature
Pages : 100

Year : 2022
Principal country concerned : Column : Literature

About the most detestable things and situations that no one wishes to see or experience, the most vulgar voices will speak of bullshit instead of shit. Others, more conciliatory, will speak of bullshit instead of shit, because they see in bullshit the silliness and therefore the failure of very intelligent people. When this is linked to the history of an Africa that today is struggling to emerge from servitude and is happy in a consensual slavery, it is understandable that through trips to their country, young people, people curious to know their people and the regions of their country, They sing of the beauty of the welcome and of the places they visit and express their disgust at what they have discovered during their travels, situations that challenge even the least sensible of citizens, and question the way in which the powers and the system of thought in their country consider life in society.


  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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