SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Fugitif, où cours-tu ?

  • Fugitif, où cours-tu ?
Genre : Social
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2018
Format : Feature
Running time : 84 (in minutes)

After the destruction of the "jungle" and the dispersal of its 12,000 inhabitants to the four corners of France, the camera follows a migrant wandering on the moor, among the scattered debris. Is he the last inhabitant to leave? He begins to dance on the beach, and his dance awakens the lives, the shelters, the fires, the labyrinths, the voices of this city that rose from the mud and then disappeared, filmed a year earlier. The inhabitants were moving their shelters to the northern zone to escape the bulldozers and the CRS who were destroying the southern zone.
Police line-ups, diggers on the move, charred tents... Clouds of black smoke engulf those filming with their mobile phones while others cover their faces with makeshift scarves. The daily life of the refugees in the Calais Jungle, dismantled between October 2016 and August 2017, is divided between the astonishment of the evacuations and the wait before the attempts to leave, all in conditions of existence worthy, as one of them says, "of the life of animals". Questioning their hellish present, telling fragmented stories of their journeys (shuddering when evoking Libya): in front of Nicolas Klotz and Elisabeth Perceval's camera, their words take on an impressive scope. Yet, in the interstices between hope and despair, life intrudes: couples form, football is played, a single man dances on the beach - a formidable opening and final sequence...

On the spot
After the highly acclaimed L'héroïque lande, la frontière brûle, released in April 2018, Nicolas Klotz and Élisabeth Perceval offer a second film, based on new rushes shot in the dismantled "jungle". Between scenes taken on the spot and more intimate dialogues, they paint a portrait of a wandering humanity, between the immense expanse of the English Channel, the deserted beaches, the hustle and bustle of the motorways and the camps with their shifting topography. Without voice-over, with a seriousness not devoid of humour, a strong look from a safe distance.

Documentary by Nicolas Klotz and Élisabeth Perceval (France, 2018, 1h24mn) - Production: Shellac, Mata Atlantica, in association with ARTE France-La lucarne

Summary for official catalogues

La vie des réfugiés de Calais, filmés dans la fameuse "jungle". Entre désespoir et esprit de combat, un documentaire nécessaire.


2 files


  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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