SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Tango ya ba Wendo (Wendo, père de la rumba zaïroise)

  • Tango ya ba Wendo (Wendo, père de la rumba zaïroise)
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1993
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 52 (in minutes)

This movie has allowed the old and talented Congolese musician Wendo Kolossoy to be back in the spotlight, he is considered as the father of the Congolese music.
Antoine Kolosoyi, aka Wendo, who died in July 2008, is known by everybody as the spiritual father of the Congolese rumba. His tunes played on basic instruments had all central Africa dance on it from the 40s to the 60s. Then, silence came. Though, Wendo is well alive in memories. Belgian director Mirko Popovitch and his Congolese colleague Kwami Mambu Zinga allow the nostalgic people to remember and the young people to discover a pioneer.
This sound movie project, comprising some of the old Wendo's songs, grew slowly with the meetings.  His influence on Congolese music is unquestionable: Papa Wemba and Pépé Kallé sing his songs and see in him a "father", but their music has nothing to do with the one of Wendo's time. After the independence, the sound became more and more "americanized": drums and keyboard instruments shook former balances up. Mirko Popovitch wanted to go back to the style that Wendo had forty five years ago.

Réalisateurs / Directors: Mirko Popovitch & Kwami Zinga

Scénario / Script: M Popovitch & K Zinga

Image / Photography: Jean-Louis Penez

Son/Sound: Daniel Léon

Montage / Editing: Marie-hélène Mora

Mixage / Mixing: Daniel Léon

Musique / Musique: Wendo Kolosoy

Producteur / Producer: Atelier Jeunes Cinéaste

Coproducteurs / Co-producers: W.I.P.Wallonie Image Production OZRT

Festivals: 1993 -Vues d'Afrique, Montréal. -Vues sur les Docs, Marseille. -Festival de Dakar, Sénégal. -Rencontres Internationales de Cinema, Amascultura, Portugal. -Filmer à tout prix, Bruxelles. Festival du Film d'Amiens.

1994 -Images d'ailleurs, Paris. -Festival du Film de Fribourg, (S). -Cinéma d'Afrique, Laudun. -Tampere Film Festival, Finlande. -Bilan du Film Ethnographique, Paris. -Festival International du Documentaire, Munich.

1995 -Festival International de Ouagadougou. -Ankara Film festival, Turquie Prix: -Prix Nanouk décerné par le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères au du film Ethnographique à Paris -Prix du meilleur film doc du Festival de Ougadougou Diffusion TV: -TSR le 11/2/1996 -Planète cable le 21/7/97 ______________


„Tango Ya Ba Wendo"wird auf Lingala die „Wendo Ära"genannt: in Kinshasa ein stehender Begriff für die 1940er-Jahre, als Antoine Kolosoyi aka Wendo seine kongolesische Rumba zelebrierte. Hier erzählt der 70-jährige Musiker von seiner Mutter, einer Sängerin traditioneller Musik, von der Zeit als Boxer und Mechaniker, den Anfängen als Sänger zu belgischen Kolonialzeiten und in den Freiheitsbewegungen. Ein wundervolles musikalisches Porträt des 2008 verstorbenen Papa Wendo. Dokumentarfilm R: Kwami Mambu Zinga, Mirko Popovitch Kongo 1993, 52 min, französische OmE


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  • Arterial network
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust

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